Welcome to FREE TRUSLER.net Membership!
TRUSLER.net members will have their name, email address
and web page (if desired) added to the membership
list. Members will also be kept abreast of changes to TRUSLER.net as
services become available. Once the geneology database is completed,
members will be contacted and asked to contribute whatever information
they desire.
To process your request for TRUSLER.net Membership,
please send an email to the administrator.
Use 'TRUSLER.net Membership' as the subject
and include the following information in the body of the message:
Full Name
Common Name (first name, nick name, etc.)
Email address (if other than the one sending the
Sub-National Division, such as Province, State, Canton,
Territory (*optional*)
Current Homepage (*optional*)
Mailing Address (*optional*)
How You Found Out about TRUSLER.net (Yahoo, Lycos,
Family Word-of-mouth, etc.)
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TRUSLER.net is adminstrated by Ross Trusler (ross@trusler.net).
Feel free to contact him for any inquiries.