Sunday, June 6

1820 - After a busy day, we finally left for our honeymoon.

1930 - Stopped at Herb's Truck Stop near Vancleek Hill for dinner.

2030 - Cross-over to Quebec at Hudson. Take 50, 15, 640 to avoid Montreal.

0030 - Arrived at BnB, in Berthier Sur Mer, just east of Quebec City.

Monday, June 7

0800 - We got up early for breakfast, stopped at a pier nearby the BnB to enjoy the view, then started our journey on the Trans-Canada to Halifax/Dartmouth.

1230 - Had a quick lunch in Grand Falls.

1930(ADT) - Arrived at Jen & Chris Carey's house in Cole Harbour. We had a short but fun visit with Jen, Chris, Paul and Candy and got a chance to meet the two week old little Lenny Carey.

2330 - Drive to Paul and Candy's house for the night.

Tuesday, June 8

0730 - Woke up and had breakfast with Candy.

0930 - After running some errands, we left Dartmouth for Truro to look for some camera equipment.

1030 - Arrive in Truro to find a wide angle lens.

1115 - Continued our drive to the Newfoundland ferry in North Sydney via the Eastern, 104 route through Cape Breton.

1500 - Arrive at the ferry terminal in North Sydney.

1630 - After returning to Sydney to visit the tourist bureau and book a BnB, we set out on the Colliery Route, around New Waterford to Glace Bay.

1730-1900 - Toured the Miner's Museum in Glace Bay, including actual undersea coal mine tour.

1900 - Dinner at Subway in Glace Bay.

2000 - Went to a movie theatre to see "Troy".

2330 - Go to BnB, Stubbards, in North Sydney.

After most of our attendants and families left Carp to travel back to their homes, we got down to packing for our honeymoon. Although


nothing was packed ahead of time, we had a comprehensive list of all the things we wanted to bring with us. Unlike previous trips, we did not pack lightly, instead, we took advantage of travelling in our own car. Since we left later in the day, we decided to only drive a little past Quebec City that night. It was great when we arrived and were finally able to sleep. We could tell that it was going to take a couple of days to recover from the wedding.

The next morning, we got up early to try to make it to Halifax for dinner.

Lenny & Chris

Being on a tight driving schedule, we kept up a steady pace and got to Halifax at 7:30pm. This was an hour later than we expected, having forgotten about the change in time zone.Once we arrived, we had a nice dinner with Jen & Chris and got to meet their two-week-old baby Leornard (Lenny) Karl Carey. They recounted stories about Lenny's birth and we shared our wedding stories. After dinner, Paul & Candy Damstra came over and we had a chance to catch up with them as well. We stayed overnight at the Damstras, who only live a few minutes away from the Careys.

On Tuesday, we had breakfast with Candy and confirmed our ferry

Canso Causeway

reservation for 4pm. Before leaving Halifax to drive to the ferry in North Sydney, we ran a couple of errands. Then on a whim, we decided to stop in Truro to look for a wide angle lens for our digital camera. Ross fetched some food, while Ann was looking at the lenses. Unfortunately, we were unable to find the right combination of lens and adapter rings. After the camera expedition, we continued on to the ferry.

The trip across the mainland was quick, with a stop to stretch our legs at the Canso Causeway,

Bras D'Or Lake

which leads to Cape Breton. For variety, we took the Eastern route along 104/4, unlike the previous year's trip. It turned out to be a wonderfully scenic drive along the shore of Bras D'Or Lake during a sunny afternoon.

Moose Report
Item Count So Far
Ferry Rides

We arrived at the terminal at 3pm, as we were supposed to, only to discover that our ferry had departed at 7am that morning! We were pretty miffed, especially since we had confirmed the reservation after the ferry had already left! Our first option was to wait until the midnight ferry, but all of the accommodations were taken already. Not wanting to sleep on a chair for the 5+ hour ride, we instead opted to take the next morning's ferry at 9am.

With the unexpected change in plans, we were left with several hours of daylight to explore Sydney. We decided to find a tourist bureau to locate a BnB for the night and see what we could do to pass the time. Last summer, we visited the Cabot Trail during our vacation, so we were somewhat familiar with the area. One of the things we missed out on last year, was taking a tour of the Miner's Museum in Glace Bay.

Miner's Museum

So, we drove along the Colliery Route from Sydney to Glace Bay, passing through New Waterford. It was a pretty drive along the coast.

The Miner's Museum was interesting, it included a tour of an actual underwater coal mine. Some of the sections of the tunnel were only four feet high. After the tour we had a quick dinner at Subway, and then drove back to Sydney to see Troy at the movie theatre. The movie was too long and not much happened. After that, it was a quick trip to our BnB, located quite close to the ferry terminal.

Berthier-sur-Mer BnB $60 - soufles for breakfast were a nice touch, and the hosts were very friendly, but the room with a double bed was nothing special
Quebec Highways In general, Quebec's highways east of Quebec City were the worst of any province. Fortunately, twinning is commencing on the 185 'gap' between A-20 and the NB TCH freeway
Grand-Falls KFC Made Ross sick. Order the popcorn chicken at your peril.
NB Highways Stellar, the best shape of any province, and 60km+ each year is getting twinned
NS Highways TCH 104 and 102 are in pretty good shape. 104/4 in Cape Breton is a better, more scenic alternative to TCH 105.
Lenny Carey This guy is cute, and pretty quiet.
Miner's Museum The trip down in the mine is very good, but getting in is a bit of a gambit. For the second year running, buses have arrived earlier in the day, and reception is disorganized, a little surly, and happy to let you know it. At least this time, we got a tour at the time it was reserved.
Troy The movie was long, lacked drama, and the acting could stand some improvement. 1 1/2 stars.
Stubbard's Bnb $65 - clean, and breakfast was OK, but again, the room was nothing special.