Saturday, June 12

Saturday, June 12

0830 - Ate continental breakfast at BnB.

1000-1045 - Boat tour of Little Bay Islands.

1100-1240 - Drive around the island and do two small hikes to outlooks.

1300 - Catch ferry back to main island.

1345 - Arrive at Shoal Arm, take 392 and Trans-Canada to Deer Lake.

1530 - Arrive at Deer Lake.

1650 - Arrive at Gros Morne Park.

1800 - Check into BnB, Terry's Place, in Norris Point.

1830-1920 - Dinner at Jackie's in Rocky Harbour.

1930-2000 - Visit Lobster Cove Lighthouse.

2015-2100 - Hike, Berry Head Pond trail.

2130 - Arrive back at BnB.

The day started with a very generous continental breakfast at the Inn.

Outport Inn

Paul said he would fetch us around 9 to go on our boat tour. As it happened, his boat was out of the water, but he had convinced his friend Corey to take us on a tour of the icebergs. We knew that it was going to be cold on the water and we prepared by wearing toques and gloves. Seeing the first iceberg close-up was incredible. It had a blue streak running from top to bottom where the ice was compacted tightly. The second iceberg, across the bay, had water melting from it's top and flowing over the side. On the way back into the harbour, Paul pulled up a lobster trap to show us the two live lobsters in it.

The weather wasn't shaping up to be too great, and it started to rain after our boat tour. We did a short walk to a hill overlooking the village, then we decided to leave on the one o'clock ferry. After returning to the mainland, we took 392, 390 and the Trans-Canada to Deer Lake. Unfortunately, again the library was closed, as all are in Newfoundland on the weekend.

Little Bay Islands

We stopped for gas, then continued on to Gros Morne National Park. Along the way, we spotted one small moose. The mountains in Gros Morne were even more spectacular than the ones we saw previously on the road to Burgeo. The road weaved around the mountains and had a few ups and downs. The dissapointing aspect was that there were not enough outlooks to pull the car over and take some photos.

At Gros Morne, we visited the info centre to pick up a trail map that had better descriptions of the hikes available in the park. They had a great map that included distances and changes in elevations, although it cost $12.

After finding what we were looking for at the visitor centre, we drove to Norris Point to check-in at Terry's, our BnB. Ross had booked a cabin instead of a room within the BnB.

Grose Morne

The cabin was quite nice, it had a table where we could work on the computer. At other places, we would have to sit on the bed and set the computer on our lap. Having approved the accommodations, we set out to Rocky Harbour to have dinner.

There was still enough daylight remaining after dinner to do some hiking. First we went to the Lobster Cove Lighthouse and saw two hares chasing each other around the bushes. The view from the lighthouse hill was nice, but the trail was not very exciting.

Moose Report
Item Count So Far
Ferry Rides
Live Lobsters

Then we went to the Berry Head Pond trail, which was very flat and circled around a large pond. The path was partly a boardwalk which made for very easy walking. There were also several outlooks to view the pond distributed around the trail.


We saw a hare in the woods, munching on some grass. The sun was going down as we finished the trail, which made for some great photo opportunities. We returned to Terry's, and resolved to make the most of the next day in Gros Morne.
Gros Morne National Park Even if you don't have time for hikes, a drive through the park is very worthwhile.
Terry's Cabins & BnB Terry is a real character, and his cabin beside the cemetary was a real treat ($65, includes kitchenette instead of breakfast)
Jack's Restaurant This restaurant was billed to us as having 'great grub' at good prices. Our grub was about the same as elsewhere, except a little more expensive. However, it still might be the cheapest place in Rocky Harbour (the largest settlement in the park).
Berry Head Pond Trail Good short flat trail around a shimmering pond and through bogs and forest.