Monday, June 14

Monday, June 14

0630 - Woke up, took down tent.

0745 - Drove to Woody Point to get car tires re-aligned.

0845 - Arrive in Woody Point, drop off car, have breakfast at local cafe.

1000 - Picked up car, drove to visitors centre in Rocky Harbour.

1100 - Arrive at visitors centre.

1200 - Leave Rocky Harbour, take 430 north.

1300 - Stop to take photo at The Arches.

1400 - Arrive at Port Au Choix and eat lunch at Wu's.

1445 - Leave restaurant and visit the Port au Choix National Historic Site.

1615 - After visiting historic site, drive to Port Saunders to find internet access.

1630 - Arrive in Port Saunders.

1700 - Leave Port Saunders, take 430, 432, 433 to Englee.

1915 - Arrive at Englee, take small hike along lookout trail.

1945 - Leave Englee, take 433, 432 to Mainbrook.

2015 - Arrive in Mainbrook, have dinner at take-out restaurant.

2100- Leave Mainbrook, take 432, 430 to L'Anse aux Meadows.

2230 - Arrive at BnB, The Viking Village.

2330 - Try dial-up access for internet.

0030- Go to bed.


The car had an appointment in Woody Point around nine in the morning and our campground was at least an hour's drive away. We woke up early to tear down the tent and pack up the campsite., because the garage with the 9am appointment to fix the car was more than an hour's drive away. Fortunately, the tent was a lot faster to take down than to put up. While the car was in the shop, we had breakfast at a local cafe and worked on our travelogues. The car was finished quickly and we were all set to continue our journey.


We retuned to Rocky Harbour to visit the park information centre to find out about the Mingan Islands in Quebec, a reserve also run by Parks Canada. But since we were still in a different
Moose Report
Item Count So Far
Ferry Rides
Chinese Restaurant
province, the staff weren't able to help very much. We had to give up and continue our trip North to L'Anse aux Meadows. We took a break at The Arches provincial site, where there was a limestone archway rock formation beside the ocean. We also encountered some wild sheep crossing the road.

At Port Au Choix, there is a National Historic Site, so we stopped for a visit. Four distinct groups of people settled in the area over several thousands of years, and the remains of their existance was found by archeologists. It was a cold day on the peninsula of tundra, which was unfortunate because a lot of the ruins could only be seen from walking trails. We didn't feel inclined to expose ourselves to the elements and decided to look at the other sites instead. However, they weren't well marked, and we couldn't find them.


On the way back to highway 430, we stopped at Port Saunders to try to get internet access, the local school advertised that it offered a community access site. We found that the school was closed, but a nice teacher let us in anyway and we were able to look up the internet dial-up numbers for Sympatico. Finally, it looked like we would be able to use the Internet at any of our BnBs as long as they had a spare telephone line.

Although we were going to be arriving late in L'Anse aux Meadows, we decided to take the scenic route and drive down 433 to Englee. Once there, we were directed to a trail up a hill by a local resident. At the top of the hill, we were able to look out over the water and spotted several icebergs.

We had dinner in Mainbrook, on highway 432 since we did not know if any restaurants would be open or if there were any restaurants in L'Anse Aux Meadows.

Take Out

It was a nondescript little take-out place that featured fried chicken - like so many other restaurants on the island. The food was good for the genre.

Between Mainbrook and L'Anse Aux Meadows, we saw more than twenty moose during our drive. It prompted us to drive more cautiously in case any of them ventured on to the road. Most of the moose were solitary, but in one location, we saw a family of three travelling together.

Viking Village, our BnB, was very nice. Ross had booked the "Honeymoon Suite", which featured a Queen Bed, private bathroom and cheesy honeymoon decorations. It was also nice because we finally got to try our dial-up access to the Internet. The connection was very slow, and it took Ross about 90 minutes to download only some of his email.

Wang's Chinese Restaurant Mediocre chinese food, but a welcome change from the same fare offered at all other restaurants. (Port-au-Choix)
Englee This off-the-beaten-path village on the eastern shore of the Northern Peninsula is well worth the detour
Viking Village The rooms are well appointed, and are a good value. Ours included an ensuite, and the other communal facilities are in top condition. ($52 in the off-season for the Honeymoon Suite)